Section from a profile sketch of `Abdu’l-Bahá, the Mystery of God, drawn with the words of His Tablet of Visitation.
“O Lord, my God! Give me Thy grace to serve Thy loved ones, strengthen me in my servitude to Thee, illumine my brow with the light of adoration in Thy court of holiness, and of prayer to Thy kingdom of grandeur. Help me to be selfless at the heavenly entrance of Thy gate, and aid me to be detached from all things within Thy holy precincts. Lord! Give me to drink from the chalice of selflessness; with its robe clothe me, and in its ocean immerse me. Make me as dust in the pathway of Thy loved ones, and grant that I may offer up my soul for the earth ennobled by the footsteps of Thy chosen ones in Thy path, O Lord of Glory in the Highest.”
If you wish to refer people to my calligraphic portrait of the Beloved Master, it is available for free download at http://www.schoolmarmwood.org. At the same site (about 3/4 of the way down the home page) are several other calligraphic gifts from me to the world. Each Ayyam-i-Ha brings one or two more.
In service,
Randall Dighton