“O thou my beloved friend! For a long time thou didst have the longing to visit the Blessed Spot and the yearning to meet this imprisoned one. Finally this gift became realized, but it was for one moment and as the dew to the rose-garden of the hearts. The destiny was such and the means were brought about in this way. I became sad and disappointed more than thyself. But I hope that this meeting became as the wick of the lamp and the fire — that as soon as it was touched it became ignited. I am expecting the results of this meeting, that I may see thee lighted as a candle and burning thyself as a moth with the fire of the love of God, weeping like unto the cloud by the greatness of love and attraction, laughing like unto the meadow and stirred into cheerfulness like unto the young tree by the wafting of the breeze of the Paradise of ABHA!”
Abdu’l-Baha, Tablets of Abdu’l-Baha
Hi there,
What did you take this with? And what post processing did you do?
Hi, Ata!
I taked it in Tashkent year before by my camea Canon 50D, the lens 200 mm. and just easy editing of colours on Photoshop. :))