Thanks to Ray, Will, and Raf from Doghouse Diaries for bringing a little levity to Nineteen Months just in time for Ayyám-i-Há.
In case you didn’t know, in the Baha’i calendar there are 19 months made up of 19 days. And then, there’s Ayyám-i-Há—the few days in between the 18th and 19th month of the year—days outside of time, so to speak. Baha’is celebrate Ayyám-i-Há by showing fellowship, love, generosity, charity, and giving gifts.
Our gift to you is a very special feature each day during Ayyám-i-Há. So check back tomorrow to see what’s new. Happy Ayyám-i-Há!
For more comics from our Ayyám-i-Há series:
How do we reconcile giving to beggers, when the Aqdas says do not beg ir give to beggers?