Anna McDonald is a Baha’i, teacher and musician, residing in West London. In this interview Anna talks to Nineteen Months and touches on how she balances all three.

You can buy Anna’s latest release ‘Illumine,’ with four fabulous tracks, based on the Baha’i Writings here.
Perfect for meditation and devotional gatherings. Anna sings and plays the piano on all tracks.
Absolutely beautiful images and Anna rocks, so amazing!!! The music is soothing and touches my heart!
Thank you, Anna! You must be Fiona’s daughter. We knew her very well in the days she was Fiona Dunn, singing Bahá’í songs and playing guitar. I was visiting a cousin in Australia some years ago and the National Assembly happened to be meeting so I was able to see your Mum during a break. I hope all the family is keeping well. If you see my blog you will see that I am also a musician. With warmest Bahá’í greetings and love to the family, Sylvia