The Baha’i Wall Calendar & Datebook (179 B.E.) is now available at BahaiBookstore.com! Our new 15-month Wall Calendar (January 2022-March 2023), created in collaboration with NineteenMonths.com, brings together Baha’i photographers living in or visiting places all over the world. Our popular 15-month pocket-size datebook is also available. Baha’i Holy Days, Feasts and more are highlighted for easy reference. Both make perfect gifts! Quantity discounts are also available for both.
This is the 5th year in a row that we have put out this calendar, and each year we try something a little new and different. This year we asked the photographers to meditate on themes from the 2021 Ridvan Message from the Universal House of Justice, and the struggles and victories of the current plans.

Thank you for this wonderful service and the aid of this Calendar to the Friends of God and His Servants. Happy Centenary!!!