Adelaide, Australia
Gran Canaria, Spain
“This terrestrial globe having once found existence, grew and developed in the matrix of the universe, and came forth in different forms and conditions, until gradually it attained this present perfection, and became adorned with innumerable beings, and appeared as a finished organization. “-‘Abdu’l-Bahá
San Diego, USA
San Diego ocean view, a much-needed respite in the course of planning
so many things.
“In the darksome night of despair, my eye turneth expectant and full
of hope to the morn of Thy boundless favor and at the hour of dawn my
drooping soul is refreshed and strengthened in remembrance of Thy
beauty and perfection. He whom the grace of Thy mercy aideth, though
he be but a drop, shall become the boundless ocean, and the merest
atom which the outpouring of Thy loving-kindness assisteth, shall
shine even as the radiant star.” -‘Abdu’l-Bahá