Adelaide, Australia

Cootamundra Wattle in bloom.
“So perfect and comprehensive is Thy proof, O my God, that its inner essence transcendeth the description of any soul and so abundant are the outpourings of Thy gifts that no faculty can appraise their infinite range.”
-The Báb, Selections From the Writings of the Báb
Auckland, New Zealand

Jerusalem, Israel

مسجد قبة الصخرة Masjid Qubbat As-Sakhrah
“Praise be to God, in this day the light of the Word of God has shone forth upon all regions, and from all sects, communities, nations, tribes, peoples, religions and denominations, souls have gathered under the shadow of the Word of Oneness and have in the most intimate fellowship united and harmonized!” -Abdu’l-Bahá, Baha’i World Faith
Sydney, Australia

The master of disguise.
“Unify mankind and illumine the world of humanity. May we all follow Thy pathway, long for Thy good pleasure and seek the mysteries of Thy Kingdom.” -‘Abdu’l-Bahá
Chicago, USA

The perfection of the smooth lanes is a sharp contrast to the pitted surface of the bowling balls as they wait to be swung down the gleaming aisle.
“No created thing shall ever attain its paradise unless it appeareth in its highest prescribed degree of perfection. For instance, this crystal representeth the paradise of the stone whereof its substance is composed. Likewise there are various stages in the paradise for the crystal itself… So long as it was stone it was worthless, but if it attaineth the excellence of ruby—a potentiality which is latent in it—how much a carat will it be worth? Consider likewise every created thing.” -The Báb, Selections From the Writings of the Báb
Victoria, Canada

presence |ˈprezəns| noun
the state or fact of existing, occurring, or being present in a place or thing
Atwater Village, USA

“The pursuit of perfection, then, is the pursuit of sweetness and light.” -Matthew Arnold
Perth, Australia

“…at the hour of dawn my drooping soul is refreshed and strengthened in remembrance of Thy beauty and perfection…” -‘Abdu’l-Bahá
St. Peter, USA

“…the human spirit is a Divine Trust, and it must traverse all conditions, for its passage and movement through the conditions of existence will be the means of its acquiring perfections.” -‘Abdu’l-Baha
I enjoy the pairing of the Writings with the beautiful photography. Thank you.