Victoria, Canada

Davison, USA

The field at Louhelen Baha’i School in Davison, Michigan was bathed in light every evening, for 5 peaceful days.
“If thou art sailing upon the sea of God’s Names, which are reflected in all things, know thou that He is exalted and sanctified from being known through His creatures, or being described by His servants. Everything thou beholdest hath been called into being through the operation of His Will. How can such a created thing, therefore, be indicative of His essential oneness? God’s existence in itself testifieth to His Own oneness, while every created thing, by its very nature, beareth evidence that it hath been fashioned by God. Such is the proof of consummate wisdom in the estimation of those who sail the ocean of divine Truth.” -The Báb, Selections From the Writings of the Báb
Mount Barker, Australia

Flame, fire, heat; defence against the bitter cold.
“Walk thou amongst men in the name of God, and by the power of His might, that thou mayest show forth His signs amidst the peoples of the earth. Burn thou brightly with the flame of this undying Fire which the All-Merciful hath ignited in the midmost heart of creation, that through thee the heat of His love may be kindled within the hearts of His favoured ones.” -Bahá’u’lláh, The Summons of the Lord of Hosts
St. Peter, USA

“He hath most excellent names in the hearts of those who know.” –Bahá’u’lláh
Beijing, China

I snapped this shot while visiting the Forbidden City in China. It is interesting to reflect on the power of the ‘Kingdom of Names’ in this world – how it can lead masses of people to follow other individuals who claim earthly power and authority. Visiting the Forbidden City was a symbol of these attachments to me. It is important to remind ourselves of these attachments and to strive to reflect the names and attributes of God with detachment (what a standard!).
“Every created thing manifests the names and attributes of God. In the spiritual world, these attributes are manifest with such intensity that man will never be able to comprehend them in this life. In the human world, however, these attributes appear within the ‘Kingdom of Names’ and man often becomes attached to these names.” –Bahá’u’lláh
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