Louisbourg, Canada

“Glorified is He to Whom pertaineth the dominion of the heavens and of the earth, in Whose hand lieth the kingdom of all created things and unto Whom shall all return. It is He Who setteth the measure assigned to each and every thing and revealeth His goodly gifts and blessings in His sacred Book for the benefit of those who offer gratitude for His Cause. Say, this earthly life shall come to an end, and everyone shall expire and return unto my Lord God Who will reward with the choicest gifts the deeds of those who endure with patience. Verily thy God assigneth the measure of all created things as He willeth, by virtue of His behest; and those who conform to the good-pleasure of your Lord, they are indeed among the blissful.”
–The Báb, Selections from the Writings of the Báb
Brisbane, Australia

“Exert with your soul; seek no rest in body; supplicate and beseech with your heart and search for divine assistance and favor, in order that ye may make this world the Paradise of Abhá and this terrestrial globe the arena of the Supreme Kingdom. If ye make an effort, it is certain that these lights will shine, this cloud of mercy shall rain, this soul-nourishing breeze shall waft, and the scent of this most fragrant musk be diffused.”
-‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bahai World Faith
Stockbridge, USA

“Night hath succeeded day, and day hath succeeded night, and the hours and moments of your lives have come and gone, and yet none of you hath, for one instant, consented to detach himself from that which perisheth. Bestir yourselves, that the brief moments that are still yours may not be dissipated and lost. Even as the swiftness of lightning your days shall pass, and your bodies shall be laid to rest beneath a canopy of dust. What can ye then achieve? How can ye atone for your past failure?” -Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh
Ladysmith, Canada

“Be pure, O people of God, be pure; be righteous, be righteous…. Say: O people of God! That which can ensure the victory of Him Who is the Eternal Truth, His hosts and helpers on earth, have been set down in the sacred Books and Scriptures, and are as clear and manifest as the sun. These hosts are such righteous deeds, such conduct and character, as are acceptable in His sight. Whoso ariseth, in this Day, to aid Our Cause, and summoneth to his assistance the hosts of a praiseworthy character and upright conduct, the influence flowing from such an action will, most certainly, be diffused throughout the whole world.”
-Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh
El Pinar, Uruguay

“A través de Él, la luz de la unidad ha brillado sobre el horizonte del mundo y la ley de la unicidad ha sido revelada entre las naciones, las cuales, con rostros radiantes, se han vuelto hacia el Horizonte Supremo y han reconocido aquello que la Lengua de Expresión ha hablado en el reino de Su conocimiento: “¡Tierra y cielo, gloria y dominio son de Dios, el Omnipotente, el Todopoderoso, el Señor de abundante gracia!”
-Baha’u’llah, Epistola al Hijo del Lobo
Wicklow Mountains National Park, Ireland

“Were ye to obey the Remembrance of God with absolute sincerity, We guarantee, by the leave of God, that on the Day of Resurrection, a vast dominion shall be yours in His eternal Paradise.”
-The Báb, Selections from the Writings of the Báb
Los Angeles, USA

“…among the teachings of Bahá’u’lláh is that religion must be in conformity with science and reason, so that it may influence the hearts of men. The foundation must be solid and must not consist of imitations.”
-‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Tablets to The Hague
Thank you so much, truly loved them all.