The Site:
Nineteen Months values photography and writing that draws its inspiration from the Baha’i calendar. Our artistic images and practical ideas for living a Baha’i life come from a far-flung group of contributors, with different viewpoints and aptitudes. If you’re interested in collaborating with us, get in touch using the contact form below.
Inspired by an annual month-long project called Nineteen Days, this site was founded in 2010 as a photography blog with images that reflect the essence of the name of each Baha’i month. Nineteen Months has grown since its inception to include articles on a variety of issues that Baha’is confront throughout the year.
We have partnered for several years with Baha’i Publishing in the USA to create wall and pocket calendars using photos from Nineteen Months Photographers.
The Calendar:
Also called the Badi‘ calendar, the Baha’i calendar has 19 months with 19 days each. The months are named after the attributes of God, as are the days of the week. There are a few days in the calendar that fall outside the months, called Ayyam-i-ha. Baha’i days are counted from sunset to sunset, therefore observances are calculated locally according to sunset times, starting the night before the Gregorian date.
Feast Days 2025 (181-182 B.E.)
181 B.E.
Sulṭán (Sovereignty): 18 January
Mulk (Dominion): 6 February
Alá’ (Loftiness): 1 March
182 B.E.
Bahá (Splendour): 20 March
Jalál (Glory): 8 April
Jamál (Beauty): 27 April
Azamat (Grandeur): 16 May
Nur (Light): 4 June
Raḥmat (Mercy): 23 June
Kalimát (Words): 12 July
Kamál (Perfection): 31 July
Asmá’ (Names): 19 August
Izzat (Might): 7 September
Mashíyyat (Will): 26 September
Ilm (Knowledge): 15 October
Qudrat (Power): 3 November
Qawl (Speech): 22 November
Masá’il (Questions): 11 December
Sharaf (Honour): 30 December
Holy Days 2023 (181-182 B.E.)
The Baha’i calendar includes 11 holy days, most of which are related to the lives of the Central Figures of the religion, the Bab, Baha’u’llah, and ‘Abdu’l-Baha. Other notable times are the month of fasting, and Ayyam-i-Ha.
181 B.E.
February 25-28 – Ayyám-i-Há
March 1 to March 19 – Month of Fasting
182 B.E.
March 20 – Naw-Rúz (New Year)
April 20 – First Day of Ridván
April 28 – Ninth Day of Ridván
May 1 – Twelfth Day of Ridván
May 23 – Declaration of the Báb
May 28 – Ascension of Bahá’u’lláh
July 9 – Martyrdom of the Báb
October 22 – Birth of the Báb
October 23 – Birth of Bahá’u’lláh
November 25 – Day of the Covenant
November 27 – Ascension of ‘Abdu’l‑Bahá
The views expressed at Nineteen Months belong to our contributors and are personal reflections of faith.
To form your own understanding of the Baha’i Faith, always refer to the Baha’i holy writings. Also, check out an authoritative Baha’i website such as:
- Baha’i Reference Library
- The international website of the Baha’is of the world
- Baha’i World News Service
- Statements from the Baha’i International Community office at the United Nations
Want to submit to Nineteen Months?
We look for photographers who shoot with any kind of camera and who are able to contribute photography each Baha’i month. We also consider writers who can write compelling content on practical issues. If you’d like to be considered, send us a note at editors @ and a link to your work samples.
Got a different question for us? Let’s hear it!